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Did you know?

Sleep affects your mental health

Insomnia (or consistent lack of sleep) can increase someone’s risk of long-term health problems like anxiety, heart disease, depression, and diabetes. Learning good sleep hygiene is a great way to help keep your body and your mind healthy.

Discussion Forum

The Mood Disorder Society of Canada Discussion Forum is a way of bringing people together on-line, who share a common concern, interest, or issue. By joining the MDSC Discussion Forum you can ask questions, read about how others are living with and managing mood disorders, connect with people by sharing your experience and offering your support — all from the privacy, and comfort of your own home and on your schedule.

Could it be Depression?

Are you or someone you know suffering from depression? There are many symptoms of depression, some of which you are aware of, some you may not be.

Managing your Depression

Along with the treatment that you receive from your doctor, there are activities that you can do to help yourself manage your illness.

Journey to Improvement

Depression is a condition that can and should be treated. You do not have to struggle through it alone. There are resources you can turn to for help.

Did you know?

There are many symptoms of Depression

For a person considered to be suffering from a major depressive disorder, symptoms must either be new or must be noticeably worse compared to what they were prior to the episode. These symptoms also have to persist for most of the day, nearly every day for at least two consecutive weeks. The episode must also be accompanied by clinically significant distress or impaired functioning.


If you are already receiving treatment for depression, you may have noticed that you are still experiencing symptoms. It is important that you discuss these symptoms with your doctor to determine whether or not changes to your treatment plan are required.


Whether you suspect you have depression or are currently receiving treatment, complete the following checklist and talk to your doctor.



Unexplained Aches and Pains
Unexplained Aches & Pains
Thinking & Concentration
Thinking & Concentration

Support our Work

We hope you find this website helpful. By offering the enclosed material, resources and guides, we strive to provide you with the very best information to assist you and your family understand and manage your depression. We are a charitable organization that receives no funding for this resource. If you would like to support our efforts which makes this possible, please make a tax-deductible donation by clicking on the button below. Thank you for helping us help others.

How to Help

Recognizing Depression

To help someone with depression, you must be able to recognize it. This illness can encompass a broad range of symptoms.
Talking about Depression
Offering your Support
Setting up a Support System

Taking Suicidal Thoughts Seriously

The risk of suicide increases in people with depression and it is important to take this risk very seriously. If you feel that you are giving up or feel you could harm yourself, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY.

Educational Resources by Mood Disorders Society of Canada

Below are some resources you may find helpful when it comes to understanding depression or helping a loved one on the road to recovery.

Information Booklets