Impact score:
10 out of 0 Weight change
Impact score:
10 out of 0 Aches and pains
Impact score:
10 out of 0 Sleeping too much
10 out of 0 Not enough sleep
10 out of 0 Other sleep problems
Impact score:
10 out of 0 No energy
10 out of 0 Restlessness, irritability
Impact score:
10 out of 0 Sadness, hopelessness
10 out of 0 Restlessness, irritability
10 out of 0 Loss of interest
10 out of 0 Trouble concentrating
10 out of 0 Trouble making simple decisions
10 out of 0 Thoughts of death or suicide
Impact score:
10 out of 0 Difficulty concentrating
10 out of 0 Trouble thinking clearly
10 out of 0 Trouble making decisions
Remember, recognizing symptoms is an essential step on the road to feeling like oneself again.